To the Blog Readers

Very welcome to Sovereign Integral blog, a section of the WingmakersBlog. Its purpose is to emphasize the importance of the Sovereign Integral process and explain why and how to access such consciousness.

The blog itself is subdivided into four different sections: 

First, The Sovereign Integral Process serves as support for those who wish to awaken to this reality and live their lives in unity and equality as Sovereigns.

Second, Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral, are an essential complement to the previous section.

Third section The Secret Framework for the Suppression of the Sovereign Integral, points out the primary components that make us live in a world of illusion and deception since birth, and finally...

The fourth section Deactivation of the Suppression Framework, that indicates how and why such framework may disappear if we adopt a completely different system of life to which we've been accustomed.

Notice that the last two sections, form an integral part of the information that James handed in his interview with Project Camelot. Considering all this summarize a lot of information, we have preferred putting it into several subtopics to help the reader quickly find what may require at any time.

In sum, this blog, it's about a form of truly understand and comprehend why we really need to change and how we can do it, each one, being aware that we are part of a great Oneness. This is like a great game of dominoes, the movement of one will influence another and another and another...

Thank you for your visit. 

The WingMakersBlog Team


