By James
This system was an outgrowth of various interdimensional races working to create a suitable instrument for accessing the physical world. It was Anu who specifically wanted to not only access the physical world in order to exploit its resources, but to do so by suppressing the infinite beings that would power the human instruments so he had the equivalent of willing slaves. Yes, infinite beings can be suppressed into finite beings when they are subjected to HMS.
This system was an outgrowth of various interdimensional races working to create a suitable instrument for accessing the physical world. It was Anu who specifically wanted to not only access the physical world in order to exploit its resources, but to do so by suppressing the infinite beings that would power the human instruments so he had the equivalent of willing slaves. Yes, infinite beings can be suppressed into finite beings when they are subjected to HMS.
In the course of engineering the human instrument, it was decided to create GMS as a means to modify the human instrument over time, as it evolved, to ensure it would never achieve self-realization or the Sovereign Integral state of awareness. The state of satori, nirvana, cosmic consciousness, enlightenment, and rapture were all different names for heightened states within the GSSC, which was still within the HMS domain, but these became checkpoints that triggered GMS interventions. The true state of the Sovereign Integral – even after death of the human instrument – was never realized by a member of the human family until very recently. [Referencing this interview
conducted in 2008] (*)
conducted in 2008] (*)